remove ( menu_func ) if _name_ = "_main_" : register () unregister_class ( ObjectCursorArray ) bpy. # handle the keymap for km, kmi in addon_keymaps : km. # Can avoid strange issues like keymap still referring to operators already unregistered. append (( km, kmi )) def unregister (): # Note: when unregistering, it's usually good practice to do it in reverse order you registered. bl_idname, 'T', 'PRESS', ctrl = True, shift = True ) kmi. new ( name = 'Object Mode', space_type = 'EMPTY' ) kmi = km. window_manager # Note that in background mode (no GUI available), keyconfigs are not available either, # so we have to check this to avoid nasty errors in background case. append ( menu_func ) # handle the keymap wm = bpy. register_class ( ObjectCursorArray ) bpy.

bl_idname ) # store keymaps here to access after registration addon_keymaps = def register (): bpy. Zygor Guides are high quality in-game strategy guides for World of Warcraft that will walk you step by step through every aspect of the game.Bl_info = def menu_func ( self, context ): self. Allows users to show and control information/launcher plugins.Ī powerful, comprehensive untility for displaying graphics and information based on buffs, debuffs, and other triggers.

Show you all items you pick-up as a scrolling text, with the the number and value of the item and the color of the rarity as font color.Īdds a display bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Help with fishing related tasks, clothing, fish information, etc. Restores cooldown swipe timers on default Target Frame and Blizzard Raid Frames.Įssential tool to impress that chick in your raid.

Restores access to removed interface options.Ī lightweight addon that makes it easy and fast to buy, sell and manage auctions.Ī Battle for Azeroth inspired User Interface. Some of these AddOns might not be found on the Twitch App. I recommend using the Twitch App to download, install and keep everything updated. Here is a simple list of all my AddOns that I use daily for World of Warcraft: Classic.